D to E-1 Ask & answer the following questions with a friend____Then Click HERE to test yourself____Then try the gap fill
D to E-2 Fill in the missing particles:
Even as a schoolboy, George was an expert _______ animals but was not very enthusiastic _______ the subjects that his teachers wanted him to study. He had difficulty _______ his homework, but became experienced _______ looking after horses, pigs and sheep.
The boy's parents, Anne and Michael, were farmers and George was always eager _______ please them by helping in the fields, but he despaired _______ learning Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. He was often excluded _______ the classroom for making animal noises while failing to solve quadratic equations. He was so bored by foreign languages that he never learned to distinguish _______ French and German.
As George gained experience _______ animal husbandry, he discovered that Biology was different _______ other school subjects and became less dissatisfied _______ school. The head teacher, who had previously been very disturbed _______ George's poor performance, became less doubtful _______ his future. He disagreed _______ members of his staff who thought that George had no future and encouraged the boy to engage _______ visits to other parts of the country. George soon developed a love for Architecture and Geology. There was some delay _______ George's application for university, but he finally distinguished himself _______ passing three A-levels and winning a place at the University of Reading to study Veterinary Science.
Nobody needed to excuse George _______ laziness as an undergraduate. He was now excited _______ the career ahead of him and left Reading with a First Class Honours Degree. Anne and Michael proudly attended George's graduation ceremony where their son was dressed _______ a black hat and gown. George no longer needed to be envious _______ scholars, for now he was one of the leading lights of his generation. He soon found a job at a large Veterinary Surgery in his home town. For the young graduate, performing minor operations on cats and dogs was equivalent _______ practising on human beings.
George is now engaged _______ Susan, a young geologist whom he met at university. They are planning to emigrate to California where they will both be able to earn in excess _______ 100 dollars in one day. They will no longer need to be dependent _______ their parents. Their wedding will take place just before they leave England. George will invite his old headmaster to the reception and I am sure that he will drink a toast _______ the newly married couple. Working as a geologist is equal _______ working as a vet in California where fear of earthquakes and love of pet animals go hand in hand. Between them, Susan and George will deal _______ many of California's problems. Rich Americans will be able to depend _______ the two young graduates.