What makes a good teacher?
Multiple-choice exercise [feedback by Ted Power]
Choose the correct answer for each question.
In which of the following learning situations is less "teacher-talk" a realistic and desirable goal?
- A class of beginners who have had little previous contact with the target language.
- A large class of learners at the intermediate level.
- A multilingual class of advanced learners studying in the target language environment
- A class of psychology students at an Italian university, who are studying English as a subsidiary subject.
Which are the best ways to promote "variety of presentation" in the language classroom?
- Use of audio recordings
- Use of "visual aids" (video, pictures, flashcards).
- Use of music (song texts, musical instruments, background recordings)
- Use of "authentic materials"
Active learners - how do we get them?
- For learners to be active, emphasis should be on oral communication. A vibrant classroom needs some noise coming from it.
- Learners cannot be considered to be "active" when there is an emphasis on reading and writing.
- Active learning depends on learners being able to get out of their seats, walk around the classroom and touch things.
- For learners to be active, they must be allowed to "negotiate the syllabus".
Lessons should be "learner-based".