CHAPTER 18 of 22




Chapter 18 ---- A weekend in Brighton [30 gaps]

It is Sunday morning in Kemptown, part of Central Brighton where there are many small _______. It is still early and there are not many _______ on the streets. It is Rosa's first time in Brighton. Arturo knows the town well.

Today he is her ______. They arrive in Madeira Drive and make their way down to the promenade. There is a small ________ line which runs _____ along the sea front to Brighton Marina.

"This was the first ________ railway in the world!" Arturo says. "Queen Victoria travelled on it over a _________ years ago. They open it later in the year when the weather's __________."

"I need a second cup of coffee and some more __________! Do you think we can find a ________ bar on Palace Pier?" she asks.

It is windy and a little cold on the sea front and Arturo has another _______.

"I'd like to take you to a ___________ restaurant in Prince Albert Street.

They ________ their own bread and serve very good breakfasts!"

"Is it near here?" Rosa wants to _______.

"Yes, it's in the old part of Brighton just north ______ of the pier. It's in the Lanes. These are small streets where _________ lived many years ago.

Brighton was once a small _____ village before it became a large ______ town."

Arturo takes Rosa's hand and they walk ______ the sea front _____ the Royal Albion Hotel _______ Hove. After a little way, they turn right and enter Brighton's ________ Lanes. Soon, they are sitting in a warm ___________ eating croissants and drinking fresh coffee.

"You're the guide! What are we going to do next?" Rosa asks.

"We're going to continue ________ the Lanes and then we're going to visit a big oriental palace!" Arturo answers. Rosa pretends to be surprised.

"An oriental _________ in Brighton? Are you crazy?"

Arturo is sure that Rosa knows the palace. They both saw the Royal Pavilion just _______ hours ago on their night out in Brighton. Nobody can miss the Royal Pavilion at night. Bright coloured ________ make it look grand and romantic.

"I'm not _______. I'm only dreaming. I'm walking towards an oriental palace in England with a _________ Mediterranean _________ !"