4A. Perception & Judgement____Good years or bad?____[Latinate]

Rewrite the text, using PHRASAL VERBS to replace the underlined words:

Every time a young person is found guilty of a terrible crime, many social observers seek explanations for the decline in moral standards. Some newspaper editors reprimand today's parents for failing to teach their children the difference between right and wrong. They argue that it is very difficult for young people to discern what constitutes good or bad behaviour if these values are overlooked by the older generation.

Investigating these arguments more closely, we find that different generations of parents are being criticized. As far as I can understand, supporters of the Conservative Party regard parents who were teenagers during the 1960s as the original sinners. These were the years when respect for authority gave way to the permissive society - the years dominated by Labour Governments.

However, left-wing commentators attribute bad parenting to the 1980s, which have come to be known as "the Thatcher years". Without examining the criticisms of Thatcherism in any great depth, it is sufficient to quote the famous speech in which she says: "there is no such thing as society." If we take the trouble to verify the precise context of this remark, we will probably find that she was not encouraging people to behave badly.

It is difficult to decide whether to blame Labour or Conservative governments for falling moral standards since we can easily discover examples of similar social problems throughout the affluent world regardless of political philosophies. A lot of different factors therefore have to be understood.


Look for

Overlook, ignore

pass over


go into

Leave unconsidered

pass over

Examine, investigate

Look into

Reprimand, criticize strongly

come down on


Make out


get at


Take in

Judge by

go by

Find, discover

Come across

Regard a person as

look on

Attribute to

put down to

Verify (facts)

look up


Make out


Make up (mind)