B to C-1 Ask & answer the following questions with a friend____Then Click HERE to test yourself____Then try the gap fill
B to C-2 Fill in the missing particles:
This story is not based _______ anything that really happened. I am extremely bad _______ telling the truth. I don't believe ________ the supernatural, but I am capable _______ imagining all sorts of things in order to create a story. Some my characters' names are borrowed _______ Shakespeare's plays.
My story today is about a king called Richard who only cared _______ money. He would boast _______ his enormous wealth, but he was completely blind _______ all the poverty and social problems in his kingdom.
Richard's kingdom was composed _______ three territories called Highland, Lowland and Middleland. The neighbouring kingdom was known as Noland. Its rulers consisted _______ three ladies known as "The Noland Sisters".
The youngest sister was called Cordelia and she was the only lady who was capable _______ running a kingdom. The older sisters, Goneril and Reagan were both very careless _______ money and were critical _______ Cordelia. They were very conscious _______ Cordelia's good looks. If you had to choose _______ the three sisters in a beauty contest, Goneril and Reagan would never compare _______ the youthful Cordelia.
I should also comment _______ the older sisters' jealousy. The young men in Noland were all crazy _______ Cordelia and were also convinced _______ her fitness as the most suitable leader. Consequently, Goneril and Reagan would never talk to their younger sister and complained _______ her popularity to their husbands George and Rufus. Such complaints were characteristic _______ a jealous attitude. Fortunately, the two husbands were anxious to prevent cruelty _______ their sister-in-law. Little became of Goneril and Reagan's bitterness.
When Richard heard of Cordelia's great popularity, he began to correspond _______ her. He offered her congratulations _______ being the person whom the people of Noland really trusted. Cordelia was not moved by Richard's flattery. On the contrary, she blamed him _______ the poverty in his kingdom and insisted that he should take greater care _______ the people there.
Richard now concentrates _______ helping the poor people in his kingdom. The fruits of the land now belong _______ the people. They no longer have to pay any charge _______ clean water and the price of bread corresponds _______ the low price charged in Noland. Cordelia is now queen of all four territories and everybody has confidence _______ her. They can be certain _______ good government as long as Cordelia remains their leader and Richard's wife.