CHAPTER 4 of 22




Chapter 4 ----First morning at a language school [30 gaps]

It is 9 o’ clock on Monday morning and the sun is shining _______ the

windows of a tall building in Central London. Inside, a line of students is

_______ slowly up the stairs to a large room on the first floor.


Two middle-aged _____ are _______ at a table at the front of the room. They

are looking at a list of students’ names. A tall man is standing just ______ the

door. He is _______ the students where to sit.


"Please fill the ______ at the back of the room!" he says in a loud voice.


The tall man is a _______, but this is a big ______. There are many teachers.

The other teachers are _______ in a room on the second floor.


One of the middle-aged ladies ______ up. Most of the chairs are now

occupied. She can see faces from many ________ ________. She looks at the

students to get their _________.


"Good morning!" she _____ in a lively voice.

Some of the students say "Good morning!" but many are _______. She is not

happy with their silence.


"You’re all here to _____ English! ... Let’s try again! ... Good morning!" she

repeats in a louder ______.


All the students say "Good morning!" in very loud voices. Then she ______ at



"My name’s Mary Palmer and I’m your Course Director. This is my ________,

Angela Leach. She’s going to check your ________. We’re both very happy to

_______ you to the English Language College. We’ve got the _____ teachers

in London and we’re ____ that your English will get ______. You’ll also make a

lot of new friends. There are ______ in this school from all over the _____!

Stand up all the students who come from Japan! ... Thank you! ... Now stand

up if you come from Spain!"


There are ______ students from Japan - eight young ______ and three young

men. But there are only two students from Spain. One of them is a _______

from Gijon. His name is Arturo. The other is a psychology graduate from

Madrid. She is called Rosa.