CHAPTER 20 of 22




Chapter 20 ---- A Spanish Meal [30 gaps]

Today Mr Frost is a happy man. It is Friday afternoon, his wife is at home and his work is going well. He took Rosa’s advice and bought an __________ disk drive from a shop in Tottenham Court Road. All the programs and ________ he needs for his ______ are now on the hard disk of the new computer.

Rosa is happy too, but she is not working in the Study Centre of the school. She is in the Frosts’ ___________ with Arturo. They are preparing a Spanish meal for all the family and it is nearly ___________.

Diana is ____________ in an armchair with a big _______ of ______________. She enjoys reading about food, health, ______________ and the home.

Elisabeth and Isaac have their books, toys and ___________ all over the living room carpet. They are playing happily.

Arturo can lay a table very ___________. He and Rosa work well together.

Soon the Frosts are sitting round the dinner table and are ready for the first course. They are __________ in their own home.

"The table looks beautiful!" Diana says.

"Wait until you ____________ the food!" Rosa exclaims.

The first course is gazpacho, a cold _____________ soup made with ______________ green peppers, olive oil, _________ and bread.

"The ______________ is from the south of Spain. We usually eat it in the summer, but Rosa likes it very much!" Arturo explains. Rosa looks a little _______________.

"Don’t give Isaac too much!" she warns. "We put a lot of peppers and olive oil in it. The next _____________ will be better for the children!"

"Yum! Yum!" Elisabeth says. She does not want to miss any of the Spanish __________. Rosa fetches the next course quickly and ___________ the children.

"What’s that?" asks Elisabeth.

"It’s a special type of potato _____________," Arturo answers. "It’s __________ tortilla."

The two children enjoy eating the tortilla. Elisabeth is ready for ____________ that Rosa and Arturo can serve. But the other members of the Frost family are full up before the main course arrives. The final recipe contains __________, prawns, mussels, ________, tomatoes, peppers, beans, _____________, salt, garlic and olive oil.

"Here you are Elisabeth! Your first Spanish paella! Can I serve ______________ else?" Rosa asks.