CHAPTER 12 of 22




Chapter 12 ----Sightseeing & shopping in London (2)

"Can we go to Oxford Street now?" he asks her.

"You’re ten minutes early," she answers, "and I need to go to the second

bookshop in Charing Cross Road. It’s just for one book. It won’t take



"O.K., but please hurry!" says Arturo. "British shops close very early!

Many of them close at half past five!"

They go to the second bookshop. Rosa is very lucky. The shop assistant

is Spanish and studies Psychology. He finds the book very quickly. But

Arturo isn’t so lucky. Rosa has to wait in a long queue to pay for the



It is nearly half past five and Arturo is becoming very impatient.

"Don’t worry!" says Rosa. "London is an international city. I’m sure

the big music stores close later than other shops!"


Rosa is right. When they arrive in Oxford Street, the large music stores

are still open. Arturo finds what he wants and pays for it very quickly.

He is happy now and tells Rosa about his new CD.

"It’s a collection of songs by the American folk-singer Peggy Seeger!"

he explains. "The CD is an American import. I can’t find it in Spain."



"What does she sing about?" Rosa asks.


"That’s a good question," answers Arturo, "because the words of her

songs make you think. Some of them are about the social situation of

women. Others are about green politics and the world we live in. I’m

sure you’ll like them!"


"When can I hear them?"


"Not now," answers Arturo, "because now we’re going to visit a very

interesting London pub in Holborn. The pub was the home of Britain’s

oldest folk club. Peggy Seeger was one of the resident singers. Her

husband and singing partner was Ewan MacColl. He’s dead now, but he

was the father of British folk music and writer of many great songs."


"When can I hear these songs?" Rosa asks again.


"Well, my CD player is at home in my flat. I don’t want to take my CDs

to school, so perhaps I could invite you home one day next week. Now,

I’m going to invite you to drink the best beer in London!"


"That’s very kind of you, but I think I’ll have an orange juice!" Rosa

answers with a smile on her face.