Consonant Clusters

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beginning with voiceless velar plosive---- / k /

101---------kθ (final) -------sixth

102---------kθs (final) ------sixths

103---------kt (final) -------fact, worked

104---------kts (final) ------conflicts, contexts, expects texts

105---------ks (final) -------six, works

106---------kst (final) ------context, next, oversexed, pretext, text-------* Note rules for deletion of / t /

/ m / / p / / b / / f / / v / / θ / / ð / / n / / t / / d /
/ s / / z / / l / / ʧ / / ʤ / / ʃ / / ʒ / / ŋ / / k / / g /

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Paste words containing consonant clusters into the search engine
of The British National Corpus [opens search engine window ].

/ *kt / (final) ------- abduct abject abreact abstract acct acetract act addict adduct adjunct affect afflict aftereffect apomict aqueduct architect artefact artifact aspect astrict attract autodidact benedict benefact bisect bract byproduct cataract cathect circumspect coact coarct collect concoct conduct confect conflict conjunct connect constrict construct contact contract contradict convect convict cornpact correct counteract countersubject decoct deduct defect deflect defunct delict depict derelict derestrict deselect destruct detect detract dialect diet diffract direct disaffeet disconnect disinfect disject disrespect dissect distinct distract district dorsiduct duct ectoproct edict educt effect eject elect enact epact erect eruct evict exact expect exsect extinct extract fact fluidextract gedact genuflect gonaduct gonoduct hemisect hypercorrect idiolect impact imperfect incorrect indict indirect indistinct induct inexact infarct infect inflect inflict infract inject injunct insect inspect instinct instruct intact intellect interact interconnect interdict interdistrict interject intersect introject maledict misconduct misdirect misinstruct mulct neglect object obstruct obtect oct outact overact overaffeet overcorrect overprotect overreact overrestrict overstrict oviduct pact pandect perfect pict pinnatisect playact pluperfect porrect precinct preconstruct precontract predict prefect preinstruct preselect product project prosect prospect protect protract quadrisect react recollect reconnect reconstruct recontract reconvict redact redirect reelect reenact reerect reflect refract reindict reinduct reinfect reinspect reinstruct reject relict resect reselect respect restrict resurrect retract retroact retroject retrospect sacrosanct sect select semidirect semierect strict subcontract subdialect subdistrict subduct subject subsect subtract succinct superstrict suspect tact tract transact transect transfeet trisect underact usufruct verdict viaduct vivisect wordperfect

/ *ks / (final) ------- academics acoustics acrobatics acronyx acrostics acrylics aeroballistics aerobatics aerobics aerodonetics aerodynamics aeronautics aerostatics aerothermodynamics aesthetics affix afterdecks aftershocks agnostics airlocks alcoholics alex almanacs alpenstocks alphanumerics ambisonics amex amnesiacs anaesthetics analgesics anaphrodisiacs anoraks anorexics antaphrodisiacs antefix anthelix anthrax antibiotics anticlimax antics antihelix antiknocks antinarcotics antipyretics antiseptics antispasmodics apex aphasiacs aphasics aphrodisiacs apparatchiks appendix appomattox approx aquatics archaeopteryx archbishoprics architectonics arcs arithmetic s arks arthritics ascetics asks aspics asterisks asthmatics astrodynamics astronautics astrophysics athletics atmospherics atomics attacks attics auks automatics aux aviatrix avionics awacs aztecs backpacks backs backtracks badderlocks bailiwicks baldrics balearics balks ballistics ballocks bandbox bankbooks banks bannocks barks barracks basics basilisks basks batiks beaks beanstalks beatniks bedecks beefsteaks beeswax benefactrix benelux berks bespeaks bethinks bibcocks bibliomaniacs bibliotics biconvex bilks billhooks bioastronautics biodynamics bioenergetics bioethics biometrics bionics bionomics biophysics biorhythmics biostatics biostatistics birthmarks bisectrix bishoprics bitstocks blackjacks blacks blanks blinks blocks blocs bluebooks boathooks bobbysocks bobolinks bodychecks bollocks bolsheviks bookmarks books bootblacks bootjacks bootlicks borax bottlenecks box brainbox breaks breastworks breechblocks bricks brinks brix bronx brooks broomsticks bucks bucolics buicks bulks bullocks bulwarks bunks burdocks burks busks buttocks buttonhooks cacogenics Cadillacs cakewalks calisthenics calix calks callisthenics calx calyx cameralistics candlesticks candlewicks canvasbacks capax carfax casebooks cashbooks casks cassocks cataleptics catatonics cathartics catholics catoptrics catwalks caulks caustics cellblocks centrex cephalothorax ceramics ceroplastics cervix chalks chapbooks chapsticks characteristics chatterbox checkbooks checks cheeks chemotherapeutics chequebooks chicks chinks chipmunks chocks chopsticks choux chrematistics chromatics chucks chunks chylothorax cicatrix cimex circs circumflex civics clacks cladistics clanks classics clerics clerks clicks climacterics climax clinics clinks cloaks clocks clockworks clucks clunks coax coccyx cocks codex coexecutrix cognacs comebacks comics complex conflux conies conks convex cookbooks cooks copybooks corks cornstalks cortex cosmetics cossacks counterattacks counterchecks countersinks counterworks cowlicks cowpox crabsticks crackerjacks cracks cranks creaks creeks cricks critics croaks crocks crooknecks crooks crosschecks crossjacks crucifix crucks crux cryogenics cryonics cufflinks culex curatrix cusecs cutbacks cybernetics cylex cynics cytogenetics Czechoslovaks dabchicks daglocks daleks dalmatics damasks daybooks daybreaks deadlocks debarks debunks decks deedbox defrocks deindex demographics dermatoglyphics derricks desex desks diabetics diagnostics dialectics diamondbacks diaphoretics dicks dictronics didactics dielectrics diestocks dietetics diks dioptrics diplex diplomatics dipsomaniacs dipsticks dipteryx directrix dirks disannex disclimax discs disembarks disks diuretics docks docs dogmatics domestics donnybrooks dorsiflex dramatics drawbacks dreadlocks drillstocks drinks dropkicks drumsticks drunks ducks dunks duplex dusks dybbuks dynamics dysgenies earmarks earthworks earwax eccentrics ecclesiastics econometrics economics ecstatics ectocervix ectosarcs ectothrix ekistics elastics electroacoustics electrodynamics electrokinetics electronics electroshocks electrostatics electrotechnics electrotherapeutics elflocks elks embanks embarks emetics endodontics endolimax endothrix energetics epicalyx epics epidemies epileptics epistemics equinox ergonomics erotomaniacs essex ethics ethnics eudaemonics eudemonics eugenics euphonies eurhythmics euthenics ex executrix exegetics exodontics eyehooks eyestalks fabrics fairbanks falx fanatics fastbacks faux feedbacks felix fellatrix fetlocks fetterlocks fiddlenecks fiddlesticks finbacks finnocks firebacks firebox firebreaks firebricks fireworks fishhooks fix flacks flanks flapjacks flashbacks flasks flax flecks flex flicks flintlocks flocks floristics fluidics flummox flunks flux flybooks flyspecks folks footmarks footstalks forehocks forelocks forensics foreshanks foreshocks forks fornix fox frameworks francs franks freaks frisks frocks frolics fullbacks funks futtocks gamecocks gangplanks garlics gasworks gawks gearbox geeks geelbeks gemsboks gemsbucks generatrix genetics gentlefolks geodesics geodetics geodynamics geomechanics geophysics geopolitics geoponics geostatics gerenuks geriatrics gimcracks gimmicks glyptics gnotobiotics gogglebox goldilocks googolplex goosenecks gopaks gorcocks goshawks gothics gowks graphics grasshooks greeks greenshanks greybacks grillworks grosbeaks guidebooks gunlocks gunstocks gymnastics gyniatrics gyroscopics gyrostatics haceks hacks haddocks haemophiliacs haemostatics haemothorax haiks hainmerlocks hairstreaks halfbacks halfbeaks halifax hallmarks hallux hammocks handbooks hanks hapax hardbacks hardtacks harks harmonics haruspex hassocks hatbox hatchbacks hauberks havelocks haversacks havocs hawks haybox haycocks hayforks hayracks hayricks haystacks headlocks headstocks heartbreaks hedonics helidecks helix hellbox hemlocks henpecks heretics heretrix hermeneutics heroics heterodox heuristics hex hieracosphinx hieroglyphics hijacks hillocks hispanics histrionics hoax hocks hogbacks hollyhocks homiletics honks hoodwinks hoofmarks hooks hornbooks horsebox hulks hummocks humpbacks hunchbacks hunks husks hydraulics hydrodynamics hydrokinetics hydromagnetics hydromechanics hydropneumothorax hydroponics hydrostatics hydrotherapeutics hydrothorax hygienics hypersonics hypochondriacs hypodermics hyrax hysterics iambics ibex icebox ilex ilks immunogenetics incapax index infix influx informatics inglenooks inheritrix initiatrix inks insomniacs interlinks interlocks interlocutrix intermix interrex intersex interworks ipecacs irenics irks ironworks isagogics isocortex isolex isometrics italics jacks jailbreaks jaywalks jerks jinks jinx jocks joysticks jukebox junks kayaks kazachoks keltics kex kickbacks kicks killicks kinematics kinesics kinetics kinks kiosks kirks kleptomaniacs klux knacks knapsacks knickknacks knocks knox komatiks kopecks kopeks kulaks kylix lacks lancejacks landmarks larks larynx lastex latex lax leafstalks leaks leatherbacks leathernecks leeks leks lepothrix lex lexicostatistics licks liferentrix lilacs limericks linacs linguistics links linstocks lipsticks loansharks locks logbooks logistics looks loosebox lox loxodromics lumberjacks lummox lunatics lurks lymphatics lynx lyrics macrobiotics macroeconomics macrophysics magics magnetics magnetohydrodynamic s magnox mailbox mailsacks mallemucks maniacs mantoux manx marks marshbucks marx masks masterworks matchbooks matchbox matchlocks matchmarks matchsticks mathematics matrix mattocks maulsticks mavericks max meadowlarks mechanics medevacs medics megalomaniacs melancholiacs melodramatics meninx mesothorax metamathematics metaphysics metapolitics metathorax metempirics meteoritics metrics microeconomics microelectronics microphysics milks mimics minimax minks minx mirepoix mix mnemonics mocks mohawks monastics monks monomaniacs monomarks moonwalks moorcocks morax morphophonemic s mosaics mountebanks mousepox mucks mudpacks mukluks multiplex murex musks myeloplax mystics narcoleptics narcotics narcs narks narthex nasopharynx natterjacks necks necrophiliacs neocortex neophiliacs networks neurolinguistics neurotics neurotoxics newshawks niblicks nicks nighthawks nitpicks nix nocks noetics nonorthodox nooks norfolks notebooks nucleonics numerics nymphomaniacs oaks obelisks obstetrics oinks oleothorax Olympics onomastics onyx optics optoelectronics oropharynx orthodontics orthodox orthopaedics orthoptics orthotics oryx osmics ostmarks outbox outbreaks outdrinks outflanks outfox outlooks outranks outspeaks outtalks outthinks outwalks outworks overbooks overcomplex overcooks overdrinks overlooks overstocks overtasks overtax overworks ox pachymeninx packs paddocks padlocks paediatrics paintbox panchax panegyrics panics paperbacks paradox paralinguistics parallax paramedics paranoiacs paraplegics parks parsecs passbooks patronymics pax peacocks peaks pecks peeks peeks penstocks periodontics perionyx perks perplex petcocks phalanx pharmacodynamic s pharmaceutics pharynx phenetics philharmonics philippics phlox phoenix phonemics phonetics phonics phonotactics photodynamics photomosaics physics picklocks picks picnics pics piggybacks pillbox pinchcocks pinks pinpricks pipsqueaks pitchforks pix plagioclimax planks planks plastics plinks plucks plunks pneumatics pneumothorax pockmarks pocks polemics politicks politics pollacks pollex polyclinics pompholyx postbox postfix postmarks pothooks pox praecox pragmatics pranks pranks prechecks precooks precox prefix prehallux premix prepacks preshrinks presoaks pricks prinks prix prolix promptbooks prophylactics proscolex prosecutrix prosthetics prosthodontics prothorax psychedelics psychics psychoaccoustics psychodynamics psychogeriatrics psycholinguistics psychometrics psychophysics psychotics publies pucks pulex punks pyosalpinx pyothorax pyrex pyroelectries pyrognosties pyromaniacs pyrotechnics pyx quacks quadraphonics quadratics quadrics quadruplex quarks quarterdecks quidnuncs quincunx quirks racetracks racks radiotherapeutics radix ranks ransacks rattlebox razorbacks reaganomics reannex rechecks recooks rectrix redbricks redocks redox redshanks redux reedbucks reeks reembarks reflex reflux relatrix relax relics remarks remex remix repacks republics restacks restocks rethinks retroflex reworks rex rheboks rheumatics rhinopharynx rhythmics ricks rinks risks riverbanks roadblocks robotics rocks roebucks rollicks romantics rooks rootstocks ropewalks roughnecks rowlocks rubbernecks rubrics rucks rucksacks rumex rusks rustics sacks sacroiliacs sacs salpinx saltbox saltworks sandbanks sandbox sardonynx saucebox sawbucks sax sceptics schematics schismatics schizophrenics schnooks scholastics schoolbooks scolex scrapbooks seacocks seeks semantics semiautomatics semiotics semitropics sequestratrix seracs setbacks sex shacks shadowbox shamrocks shanks sharks sheiks shelducks shellacs shipwrecks shirks shocks shrieks shrinks shticks shucks shuttlecocks shylocks sicks sidekicks sidetracks silex silks simoniacs simplex singlesticks sinks sioux six skipjacks skulks skunks skyjacks skylarks slacks slapsticks slicks slingbacks slinks Slovaks smacks smallpox smilax smirks smocks smokestacks snacks sneaks snecks snicks snuffbox soaks soapbox sociolinguistics socks soporifics soundbox soundtracks spacewalks spadix spandex spanks sparks spasmolytics spastics speaks specifics specks specs spherics sphinx spooks springboks sputniks squawks squeaks stacks stalks statics statistics steaks steelworks steeplejacks sticks stinks stocks stoics stoneworks stonks stooks storax storks strategics streaks streptothrix stretchmarks strongbox studbooks stylistics styptics styrax styx subclerks subclimax subcortex subindex subtopics subtropics sucks sudorifics suffix sulks supercomplex superfix supersex supersonics supertax suplex surtax sweatbox swinepox switchbacks syncs synectics syntactics syntax synthetics syphilitics syrinx systematics tacks tactics tagmemics talkbacks talks tamaracks tanks tarmacs tasks tax teaks tectonics telemarks teletex telex tenrecs tenterhooks testatrix textbooks thanks theatrics theoretics therapeutics thermionics thermodynamics thermoplastics thermostatics thinks thorax throwbacks thwacks ticks ticktocks tics tiddlywinks tidemarks tiebacks tinderbox tinworks toadflax tomahawks tonics toolbox toothpicks topics toreutics tracks trademarks traffics transfix treks tricks triplex tropics trucks trunks tucks tunics turks turtlebacks turtlenecks tusks tussocks tutrix tux tweaks ultrasonics umiaks unblocks uncloaks uncorks underclerks undercooks unfix unfrocks unhooks unisex unlinks unlocks unmasks unorthodox unpacks unpicks unsex unsticks untacks unthinks untucks varix vermix vernix vertex vex vibex videodiscs vivax voix volvox vortex vox wacs walks warlocks waterbucks watermarks waterworks wax waxworks weathercocks weeks whacks whalebacks whelks whipstocks whisks wicks windbreaks windsocks winks wireworks wisecracks woks woodblocks woodchucks woodcocks woodlarks woolpacks wordbooks wordbreaks workaholics workbooks works wracks wreaks wrecks wristlocks wrynecks xerox yaks yanks yapoks yardsticks yashmaks yearbooks yolks yorks zincs zodiacs zootechnics

False Friends

* Note the deletion of / t / in "next day" / ˈneks(t) ˈdeɪ / or "text book" / ˈteks(t) ˈbʊk /, when preceding consonant sound is also voiceless and following consonant is any other than / h /.

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