CHAPTER 10 of 22




Chapter 10 ----A supermarket shopping trip [30 gaps]

Diana and Roger Frost are in a large _______________ in Wembley. They

shop ______________ every Saturday morning. Their two children are at home with



"I’ll get the ____________ and you get the _________________!" Diana tells her husband.

Roger puts four small ________________ into his basket. Then he sees some large

tomatoes from Holland and some very small cherry tomatoes from Spain.

He likes __________________ very much so he takes both ______________.


Diana always buys a lot of ________________. They are good ______________ and the

children like them. The Frosts have apple and ______________ trees in their garden

so they do not buy any green fruit. They also have a lot of ________________ in

their __________________.


"Have you got the __________________?" Diana asks.

"Yes, English ones - King Edwards!" answers Roger.

"Well, you can get the ham, ________________ and olives. I’ll get the butter, milk,

________________ and pizza bases."


Roger takes a ________________ from a small machine and waits for his number.

Then an ___________________ in a white uniform ______________ him with 200 grammes of

Honey Roast _____________, 350 grammes of Cheddar cheese and 100 grammes of

small, black __________________.


Diana is very quick. Her _______________ is now very full. She has also got a

________________ of Mozarella cheese for the ______________ topping and a large free-range

________________ for Sunday lunch. She meets her husband near the bread counter.

They buy two ______________ of French bread for the weekend and some large

square tin loaves of white and brown _______________ to put in the freezer.

"Let’s get the _____________________ and go home." Roger says. "Supermarkets

aren’t my favourite places!"


"I know!" answers Diana. "You’d like to do all your _________________ by

computer! There are two more things on my _____________. We need ____________________ and

toilet paper!"